摘要: 用于治疗血管狭窄的血管支架是一个具有周期微结构的圆管型结构.该文分析的是管型气囊扩张式的支架,在植入血管的过程中,支架随着气囊的受压膨胀而受到内压继而发生形式为均匀膨胀的弹塑性变形.该文自行设计了一种支架,并选择适当的周期微结构即代表性单胞作为数值仿真的模型,构造了相应的周期边界条件,对上述变形过程进行了有限元分析.最后通过后处理程序得到完整支架的分析结果.结果主要包含两个方面:一是对应力和变形的预测.这对血管支架的设计以及长期服役的效果分析是至关重要的;另一个结果是给出了内压与支架直径之间的关系曲线.可为医生的植入手术提供重要参考.分析采用ABAQUS/Explicit分析模块.因为只分析一个代表性单胞就可以代替对整个支架结构的分析,所以可大大节约计算成本.Abstract: Coronary stents have revolutionized the procedure of treating a blocked coronary. A stent is a tube placed at the stenos to keep the arteries open during the treatment process. Balloon-expandable stents are inflated uniformly along with the balloon’s expansion until the plastic deformation of the stent occurs. In this paper,the selected micro periodic structure named the representative model is formulated and the inflation of the stent is analyzed by using finite element method with application of the corresponding periodic boundary conditions which specify differences of displacements on the two opposite boundary surfaces. The calculations of the whole stent are presented through the post-process procedure on the basis of the representative model calculation. The results include two aspects:one is the stress and deformation prediction,which plays a significant role in the design and analysis of long-term effects after the implantation procedure;the other result is the relationship between the internal pressure and the expanded diameter of the stent,which can give surgeons important reference. The simulation is performed by ABAQUS/Explicit package. The proposed boundary conditions and approach require much less computational efforts than analyzing the whole stent model to achieve the same accuracy.