A submarine pipeline wouldappearsuspended span segments because its complex stress states such as the action of water currents and waves, pipeline pressure, temperature, seismic loading and other sudden loads.This is why its dynamic response analysis should bestrengthened. At the same time, there are many submarine pipelines, which are working right now,and theyhad reached their design working lives. This kind of submarine pipeline might have many problems. The main reason leading to pipeline damage is the corrosion.At present, the researches about the intact pipeline suspended span segments have been studied for a long time, while there is little analysis for corroded pipeline suspended span segments. According to the research status, the experiment and finite element analysis of intact submarine pipeline suspended span segment are performed. The analysesshow thatthe variationtrendsof the fundamentalfrequency and acceleration amplification coefficient along the axisobtained from experiment and simulation are coincident, andthe seismic response of the pipeline suspended spancan be simulated accurately by ABAQUS. Meanwhile, the changerulesof natural frequency, the acceleration amplification coefficient, and the maximum acceleration along the axis of corroded pipeline suspended span segmentsare analyzed, based on the finiteelementsoftware. Our studies show that the factors which can affectabove aspects such as the changerulesof natural frequency, the corrosion position, corrosion thickness, corrosion length and corrosion width, and that the influenceof corrosion width on pipeline seismic response is the biggest.