In the extended scaled boundary finite element method (X-SBFEM), the Heaviside enrichment is used to represent the jump across the discontinuity surface in split element while the nonsmooth behavior around the crack tip is described by the semi-analytical SBFEM. This method does not require a priori knowledge of the asymptotic fields. It also does not require special numerical integration technique so that the stiffness of the region containing the crack tip is computed directly, while the generalized stress intensity factors of many kinds of singularities could be obtained directly from definition by the consistent formula. In this paper, the X-SBFEM is combined with the level set method so that it can be applied to solve the problem of crack propagation. During its numerical evaluation, the three-point bending specimen and the four-point shear specimen is modeled by a complete MATLAB code. The results show that the X-SBFEM is capable of predicting crack trajectories and load-displacement relations accurately. Based on the sensitivity analysis of parameters, it was found that different mesh densities and crack propagation lengths led to consistent results.