In order to cope with the pounding problem between the girder and the abutment of isolated continuous girder bridges, finite element code ABAQUS is used to build a computational model which includes the concrete damage plasticity (CDP) and the spatial arbitrary pounding, with a three-span concrete isolated continuous girder bridge taken as an example. Based on this model, a dynamic explicit integration algorithm is utilized to calculate the pounding effect under longitudinal seismic input, and to investigate the influences of the expansion joint and yielding displacement of bearing on pounding response. The analytical results show that the pounding duration derived from this spatial arbitrary pounding model can tally agree with that from wave propagation theory. Pounding duration tends to increase when more poundings damage the concrete material of the main girder. The enlargement of expansion joint will reduce the number of pounding, but has little correlation with the maximum pounding force. The yielding displacement of isolated bearing increases while the number of pounding significantly reduces, the maximum pounding force, nevertheless, shows few changes.