The probability distribution of extreme wind speed for different wind climate, such as typhoon and normal wind, are different from each other in the region of mixed wind climate. Large analytical error/deviation would be generated if only one probability distribution model is used to fit the extreme wind speed of mixed wind climate. At present, in the analysis of extreme wind speed for mixed climate, the method to separate the wind data into typhoon and normal wind and analyze them individually is commonly applied. However, when using this method, it is difficult to distinguish the typhoon records from the long-term observation wind data of meteorological department. Moreover, it is hard work to collect the probability distribution information of the key parameters of typhoon for the Monte Carlo simulation. In present study, a probability density function of extreme wind speed for mixed wind climate is proposed based on a mixed function. The parameters of the distribution function and the weight function are fitted through the weighted least square method. Then optimization has been made for these parameters to obtain more accurate simulation results. Finally, the simulation results from Monte Carlo method, the results of the proposed method and the long-term observation data are compared to verify the accuracy and practicability of the proposed method.