A multi-material topology optimization design for periodic constraint steady-state heat conduction is proposed. The ordered rational approximation of material properties (Ordered-RAMP) based a multi-material interpolation model is constructed. The design domain is divided into finite identical multi-subregion material structures, involving the minimum thermal compliance and volume constraint condition. By redistributing the element base value of the thermal compliance, the periodic constraint is implemented, and the iterative format of the design variables is derived by an optimization criterion method. Through 2D and 3D examples, the effects of the number of subregions are researched on the optimal multi-material topologies of the macroscopic and microscopic sburegions. The results show that: the proposed method excellently realizes the robustness design of the periodic microstructure of a multi-material structure with a reasonable distribution and a distinct boundary; and the topological configuration of periodic structures exhibits different characteristics to some extent.