

  • 摘要: 为了在塑性力学与大变形理论基础上分析黄土地区劈裂注浆力学机理,将注浆初始阶段视为无限土体中的圆孔扩张问题,将孔周围的土体应力分布分为3个区域:弹性区、塑性区及破坏区。结合结构性黄土修正剑桥模型,在弹性区采用小变形理论,在塑性区、破坏区采用大变形理论。根据应力平衡方程、应力应变连续边界条件,推导了考虑排水和大变形时塑性区、破坏区半径及竖向、水平劈裂注浆压力的理论解答,最后结合工程算例进行论证。结果表明:该解答综合考虑了黄土的结构性参数、压缩模量、泊松比、内摩擦角、塑性破坏参数、剪胀系数、扩孔形式k及屈服准则等因素;同时,还分析了浆泡周围土体的应力应变分布解及在参数影响下的递变规律;经对比分析发现,该文的劈裂注浆压力理论计算值与工程实测值比较接近,初步证实了理论的可靠性,在黄土地区劈裂注浆工程中具有一定的实用价值。


    Abstract: Based on the theory of plastic mechanics and large-deformation, this paper analyzes the mechanical mechanism of fracturing grouting in loess area. It treats the early phase of grouting as the problem of cavity expansion in infinite soil and divides the stress distribution due to the cavity expansion in soil into three zones: elastic zone, plastic zone and damage zone. Combined with the modified Cam-clay model of structural loess, the deformation following small deformation assumption in elastic zone and large deformation assumption in plastic and damage zones is taken into consideration. According to the stress equilibrium equation and stress-strain continuous boundary conditions, the radius of the plastic and damage zones, the vertical and horizontal fracturing grouting pressures are deduced considering the drainage conditions and large deformation. Finally, the paper demonstrates these by engineering cases. The results show that the solution takes into account the structural parameters, compressive modulus, Poisson's ratio, internal friction angle, damage coefficient, dilatancy coefficient, form of expanding, k, yield criterion and so on. At the same time, the stress-strain distribution solution for the soil around the slurry and the grading regularity of them under the influence of the parameters are analyzed. The comparative analysis shows that the calculated value of the fracturing grouting pressure is very close to the measured value in projects, which preliminarily verifies the reliability of the theory. Therefore, the paper has considerable practical value in fracturing grouting in loess area.


