
Experimental study on stress-strain relationship of fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete

  • 摘要: 为探究纤维增韧后轻骨料混凝土应力-应变全曲线,完成了不同混凝土强度等级、纤维种类及掺量下的9组棱柱体单轴受压试验,分析了破坏过程和破坏特征,系统研究了各因素对峰值应力、峰值应变和弹性模量的影响,并结合已有研究给出了各曲线特征点计算模型,考虑纤维轻骨料混凝土自身特征,建立了分段式纤维轻骨料混凝土应力-应变全曲线模型。研究表明:轻骨料混凝土破坏特征与普通混凝土显著不同,掺入纤维有效抑制了其内部微裂缝的开展,起到阻裂、增韧的效果,且随混凝土强度等级、纤维种类及掺量变化差异明显;纤维增韧后试件的应力-应变曲线下降段坡度趋于平缓,脆性得到有效改善;建议的应力-应变全曲线模型与试验结果吻合良好,能够准确描述纤维增韧轻骨料混凝土在单轴受压作用下的受力变形特征。


    Abstract: An experimental study of nine-group prism specimens with different concrete strength, fiber type and fiber dosage has been carried out to understand the stress-strain relationship of fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) under axial compression load. Failure process and failure characteristics of the specimens were analyzed, and the effect of test variables on the peak stress, peak strain and elastic modulus were studied. Combining with the existing research, calculation formulas of the feature points on test curves were derived. Simultaneously, a segment-based stress-strain model was proposed considering the characteristics of fiber reinforced LWAC. Test results indicate that the failure characteristics of LWAC are significantly different from that of the normal weight concrete. Incorporating fibers into LWAC can effectively restrict the formation of internal micro-cracks, resulting in a prominent crack-resisting and enhancing toughness effect. But these benefits varied slightly with the test variables such as concrete strength, fiber type and fiber dosage. Combining fibers with LWAC can also effectively flatten the decreasing slope of stress-strain curves and improve the brittleness of LWAC. Simulation results obtained from the proposed stress-strain model agree well with the test results, which indicates that this proposed model can accurately describe the axial compressive behavior of fiber reinforced LWAC.


