
Seismic response and overturning of double-column rocking column bridge system

  • 摘要: 摇摆构造可将地震损伤控制在摇摆界面内,以避免主体结构损伤破坏,且具有较好自复位能力。为研究一种双柱式摇摆桥墩结构体系的地震反应,基于拉格朗日方程和动量矩守恒定理给出计算该双柱式摇摆桥墩结构体系动力反应的刚体动力分析模型,并进行了实例分析、参数分析和倒塌分析。研究结果表明:采用工程实际尺寸的双柱式摇摆桥墩结构体系可满足我国桥梁抗震设计规范的E2地震抗震设计需求;桥墩宽高比和尺寸的增大可减小结构体系的地震反应;给出在Ricker小波作用下的倒塌加速度谱和两种倒塌模式,以及倒塌模式过渡现象需要在抗震设计中得到重视的建议,并提出一种墩底扩大截面的抗倒塌措施。


    Abstract: Rocking structures with self-centering capacity can control the damage in the rocking interface to protect the major structure from damage. To investigate the seismic response of a rocking double-column bridge system, a dynamic analytical model of rigid bodies was used to predict the seismic response of a rocking bridge system based on the Lagrange method and momentum conservation law. This analytical model was used to perform a case study in practice, parametric analysis and overturning analysis. It can be concluded that the rocking double-column bridge system with dimensions in practice can satisfy the seismic design demand of the E2 earthquake according to the seismic design code of bridges in China. With the increase of the slenderness and size of columns, the seismic response of this bridge system decreases. Overturning acceleration spectra and two overturning modes of rocking double-column bridge system were obtained due to Ricker wavelets. The transition phenomenon from overturning mode I to overturning mode Ⅱ should be paid attention in seismic design. The enlarged bottom section of rocking columns was proposed to limit the overturning of the rocking bridge system.


