
Study on the mechanical behavior of wall plate of steel plate shear wall with self-centering energy dissipation braces

  • 摘要: 提出一种由自复位耗能支撑和两边梁连接墙板组成的带自复位耗能支撑钢板剪力墙,对其构造及滞回性能进行介绍。建立有效的有限元分析模型,对两边梁连接墙板在往复荷载作用下的受力性能、受压承载力及墙板对整体滞回的影响进行研究。结果表明,墙板滞回曲线存在捏缩现象,且墙板内产生的屈曲半波越多,捏缩越严重。墙板的平面外变形随宽高比的增大而增大,随高厚比的增大而减小,且受宽高比影响更大,在侧向力作用下,墙板内形成局部拉力带。建立了用于计算墙板内受压应力和受压承载力的公式,当支撑水平剩余恢复力大于墙板受压承载力时,带自复位耗能支撑钢板剪力墙在支撑恢复力的作用下具有很好的复位能力。


    Abstract: A steel plate shear wall with self-centering energy dissipation braces (SPSW-SCEDB) that consists of self-centering energy dissipation braces and two side beam-connected wall plate is proposed. The configuration and idealized hysteretic behaviors of SPSW-SCEDB are presented. A finite element analysis model is developed to study the mechanical behavior, the compressive bearing capacity and the effect on the overall hysteresis of the two side beam-connected wall plate under cyclic loadings. Results indicate that the hysteretic curve of the wall plate shows pinching phenomenon, while more half-wave of bending generated in the wall plate leads to more severe pinching. The out-of-plane deformation of the wall plate increases with the increase of width-to-height ratio, decreases with the increase of the height-to-thickness ratio, and it is more significantly affected by the width-to-height ratio. The partial tension field is formed in the wall plate under the action of lateral force, and the equations for calculating the compressive stress and compressive bearing capacity of the two side beam-connected wall plate are established. When the horizontal remaining restoring force of the braces is greater than the compressive bearing capacity of the wall plate, the full self-centering capability of the SPSW-SCEDB is achieved by the restoring force of the braces.


