A steel plate shear wall with self-centering energy dissipation braces (SPSW-SCEDB) that consists of self-centering energy dissipation braces and two side beam-connected wall plate is proposed. The configuration and idealized hysteretic behaviors of SPSW-SCEDB are presented. A finite element analysis model is developed to study the mechanical behavior, the compressive bearing capacity and the effect on the overall hysteresis of the two side beam-connected wall plate under cyclic loadings. Results indicate that the hysteretic curve of the wall plate shows pinching phenomenon, while more half-wave of bending generated in the wall plate leads to more severe pinching. The out-of-plane deformation of the wall plate increases with the increase of width-to-height ratio, decreases with the increase of the height-to-thickness ratio, and it is more significantly affected by the width-to-height ratio. The partial tension field is formed in the wall plate under the action of lateral force, and the equations for calculating the compressive stress and compressive bearing capacity of the two side beam-connected wall plate are established. When the horizontal remaining restoring force of the braces is greater than the compressive bearing capacity of the wall plate, the full self-centering capability of the SPSW-SCEDB is achieved by the restoring force of the braces.