

  • 摘要: 中国2012年以前设计的直立锁缝金属屋面板的公共建筑,因按2006年版荷载规范设计导致设计负风压取值明显偏低而出现了金属屋面板风揭破坏,所以加强其抗风揭能力对此类既有公共建筑的安全使用至关重要。结合直立锁缝屋面系统现已广泛运用于公共建筑屋面系统中的实际,该文阐述了直立锁缝金属屋面系统抗风揭原理,对复杂受力状态下的直立锁缝屋面板系统各关键组成部分在极端暴风工况下的抗风揭能力进行了初步分析:该文从昌北机场T2航站楼工程既有直立锁缝式金属屋面系统破坏后加固设计案件的实际需要出发,通过分析直立锁缝金属屋面系统的传力路径及其破坏特点,探讨了既有直立锁缝式金属屋面系统确保重点区域、兼顾一般区域并通过实物抗风揭对比试验确定的加强设计优化思路,提出了通过实物抗风揭试验来进行评价及具体优化的方法;通过系列抗风揭承载性能的对比试验,提出了在既有直立锁缝式金属屋面板在一般区域及加强区域分别于支座上增加不同间距夹具的有效方法,并提出了对此类屋面板抗风揭承载力设计的优化建议,特别提出了要进一步提高既有直立锁缝金属屋面板板头部位的防掀能力,避免产生“撕纸破坏连锁效应”。不仅可以为此类既有屋面的加固设计提供科学依据,而且为类似大型场馆金属屋面新建工程的设计提供有价值的参考。


    Abstract: The domestic public buildings with vertical whipstitch metal roofing board designed before 2012 have suffered wind damage due to the obvious low negative wind pressure by the design according to the 2006 load code. Strengthening its wind exposure resistance is very important for the safe use of this kind of existing public buildings. The combination of vertical whipstitch mental roofing board system has now widely been used in the practice of roofing systems for public buildings. This article expounds the wind exposure principle of the vertical whipstitch metal roofing board system and makes a preliminary analysis on the wind exposure resistance of the key components of the vertical whipstitch metal roofing board system under complex stresses as well as extreme storm conditions, based on the actual needs of the reinforcement design case after the destruction of the existing vertical whipstitch metal roofing board system in Terminal T2 of Changbei Airport. Through the analysis of the force transfer path and failure characteristics of the vertical whipstitch metal roofing board system, the idea of strengthening design optimization has been formed for what the existing vertical whipstitch metal roofing board system should ensure the key area, take into account the general area, and should be determined by the physical anti-wind exposure contrast test, and the method has been put forward for the evaluation and concrete optimization through the physical anti-wind exposure test. Through a series of comparative tests on the load-bearing performance of wind exposure, an effective method is also put forward for adding different spacing fixtures on the supports of the existing vertical whipstitch metal roofing board in the general area and the reinforced area, respectively. Particularly, it is proposed to further improve the anti-hatching ability at the head of existing vertical whipstitch metal roofing board for avoiding the ‘tearing-paper-damage chain effect’. It can not only provide the scientific basis for the reinforcement design of this kind of existing roof, but also provide a valuable reference for the design of new metal roofing construction projects similar as large stadiums.


