The RCS hybrid frame structure with replaceable components is a new type of earthquake resilient structure, whose seismic design method is unclear yet. To explore the seismic design method of the RCS hybrid frame structure, five performance levels available for the RCS hybrid frame are proposed. These levels consist of towering the purpose of normal use, replaceable energy-dissipation members, repairable main frame, life safety and collapse prevention, based on the mechanical behavior of the RCS hybrid frame structure and the division of performance levels in China seismic code. And the stress states and parameters limit of structure at different performance levels are also defined. The elastic stiffness ratio and yield displacement ratio are proposed as parameters to control the behavior of the hybrid frame structure, and the steps of seismic design program of the structure and the design method of the component section are also developed. An example of the seismic design of a 3-story RCS hybrid frame structure with replaceable components is carried out by nonlinear static analysis and by dynamic time-history analysis. The structure can meet the performance levels and the seismic design method is effective.