

  • 摘要: 地震后吊顶系统破坏会造成严重经济损失,并影响建筑物震后正常使用及功能快速恢复。为充分了解吊顶系统复杂的构造形式、动力响应及抗震性能,该文从试验研究、数值模拟方法及易损性分析等方面综述了吊顶系统抗震性能研究现状。归纳总结了吊顶系统的震害形式与地震响应特征、抗震性能影响因素、薄弱部位及抗震加固措施等;详细介绍了不同精细程度的吊顶系统数值分析方法、易损性研究方法及相关破坏指标的选用;对当前吊顶系统抗震性能研究中存在的不足及进一步研究趋势进行了分析。总结既有研究成果表明:吊顶数值模型参数标定方法、影响吊顶抗震性能关键因素分析及通用性吊顶抗震性能等级的建立是未来研究的重点。此外,吊顶与其他非结构物间的相互作用研究,对完善吊顶系统抗震性能研究理论体系同样具有重要意义。


    Abstract: The post-earthquake damage of a ceiling system has an important effect on the buildings in normal usage and on the rapid recovery of functions, resulting in the severe economic loss. The research conducted on a seismic behavior study on the ceiling system is summarized from the aspects of experimental study, of numerical simulation and of vulnerability analysis. For the experimental study, a thorough review of the failure mode and of the dynamic response about the ceiling system under earthquake. Based on this, the studies on the effects of installation of compression posts, of the use of retainer clips, of the physical condition of grid components, of the tiles density and of the ceiling area on the ceiling system behavior under earthquake are summarized, and the reinforcement measures for the weak part of the ceiling system are introduced. For the numerical simulation, the different numerical models of the ceiling system and their parameter calibration methods are developed. For the vulnerability analysis, some issues are introduced involving the studies of vulnerability research methods and the selection of relevant indicators. The future imperative research for the improvement of the ceiling system seismic behavior are identified and presented. The results indicate that various problems about seismic behavior study of the ceiling system are needed to investigate as the parameter calibration of a numerical model, the study on key affecting factors and the establishment of a universal seismic grade. In addition, the study on the interaction between the ceiling with other non-structural components is also of a great significance to improve the theoretical system of seismic performance research of the ceiling system.


