The technological process was summarized by applying jacket retrofitting technology on a full-scaled substructure model of a five-story masonry residence. In order to evaluate the seismic performance of the retrofitted structure in longitudinal direction, series of lateral loads, whether quasi-statistic or pseudo-dynamic, were applied on the model. The seismic performance of the longitudinal lateral resistant system before and after earthquakes were assessed based on the experimental results. It demonstrates that the lateral stiffness of the strengthened reinforced concrete shear wall & masonry wall composite structure has an obvious improvement, the composite structure behaves more like RC shear wall structure; the failure mode is controlled by masonry structure after a decrease of the integrity of the jacket-retrofitting units; the strengthened composite structure has adequate redundancy when encountering an overfortification level earthquake; the damaged structure can still overcome another extremely rare earthquake without any collapse. It can be proved that the seismic performance of masonry dwellings retrofitted with PC panel jacket units will improve dramatically.