Considering the particularity of the steel-concrete interface, three parameters for evaluating the normal bonding performance of the interface are proposed, including normal bonding stiffness, normal bonding strength and normal limit opening displacement. The calculation method of the parameters is derived by using the fracture mechanics theory, and the determination test of the normal bonding parameters of the steel-concrete interface is designed and implemented. The test results show that: under the effect of the interface bonding force, the initial rising section of the test load-crack mouth opening displacement (
P-CMOD) curve experiences three stages: linear segment, transitional segment and platform segment; with the increase of steel plate roughness, the amplification of interface normal bonding strength is much larger than that of normal bonding stiffness and of normal limit opening displacement; the increment of each interface normal bonding performance parameter per unit roughness decreases with the increase of steel plate roughness, and the decrease of the increment of normal limit opening displacement is the biggest; when the steel plate roughness is plenty big enough, the normal bonding performance of the interface will be close to the mechanical properties of mortar in the interface. The comparison between the theoretical calculation results and the finite element analysis ones shows that the two results are in a good agreement, which indicates that both the theoretical analysis method and the test one are correct, and the normal bonding parameters of the interface calculated from the test can be used for the associated practical engineering analysis.