

  • 摘要: 该文弯曲断裂试验获得了不同应变率下界面的抗拉强度、荷载-加载点位移曲线、荷载-裂缝口张开位移曲线、起裂荷载和峰值荷载,通过夹式引伸计法和DIC法获得了临界裂缝扩展长度。并计算了界面断裂能及双K断裂参数,分析了不同应变率下界面断裂过程区演化规律及特征长度的变化。结果表明:随应变率的增大,断裂能和起裂韧度增大,临界裂缝长度和失稳韧度先增加后减小,断裂过程区长度及特征长度随应变率的提高而减小。该文从裂缝发展路径、自由水粘性、惯性效应三方面探讨了岩石-混凝土界面断裂参数的率效应。


    Abstract: The effects of strain rates (10−5s−1 to 10−2s−1) on tensile strength and fracture properties of rock-concrete composite specimens were studied. The tensile strength, load versus loading point displacement curve (P-δ curve), load versus crack opening displacement curve, initial cracking load and peak load of the interface under different strain rates were obtained by axial tensile test and three-point bending test. The critical crack propagation length was obtained by clip-gauges method and DIC method. The P-δ curve was used to calculate the fracture energy and the displacement extrapolation method was used to calculate the double K fracture toughness. The length of fracture process zone under different strain rates was obtained by analyzing the data of crack opening displacement. In addition, the characteristic length was calculated by considering the fracture energy and tensile strength. The results show that the fracture energy and initial fracture toughness increase with the increase of strain rate, while the critical fracture length and unstable fracture toughness increase as the strain rate is no more than 10−4s−1, and then decrease as the strain rate is greater than 10−4s−1. The length of fracture process zone and characteristic length decrease with the increase of strain rate. The rate effects of rock-concrete interfacial fracture parameters were discussed in three aspects: crack development path, free water viscosity and inertia effect.


