

  • 摘要: 高层建筑由于自振周期长、阻尼小,其高柔的特征使其对风荷载特别敏感,风荷载是沿海地区超高层建筑的主要水平控制荷载,因此在强/台风作用下,其抗风设计须在满足规范安全要求的前提下,同时又要经济实用和结构性能高效,为此,开展高层建筑抗风优化和风振控制方面的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。该文在对高层建筑抗风优化设计和风振控制研究现状做简要介绍的基础上,首先根据风荷载的特点,着重研究了考虑风速风向联合概率分布和基于可靠度及性能化的高层建筑抗风设计方法,采用最优准则法,以结构的总重或总造价为目标函数,以顶部位移、层间侧移以及顶部风致加速度为约束条件,对高层建筑结构杆件截面抗风优化设计的相关问题进行了研究。同时为提高基因遗传智能优化算法的收敛速度和获得最可能优化解,该文提出了传统基因遗传的改进算法(如基于改进罚函数及分级遗传算法)用于结构抗风优化设计。在结构拓扑抗风优化方面,则主要引入分层优化的概念,对变密度法和改进动态进化率的双向渐进拓扑优化方法,应用于抗风结构的拓扑构型优化算法进行了相关研究。通过实例分析验证了上述结构抗风优化算法的高效和正确性。在风振控制方面,该文结合摩擦摆系统和调谐质量阻尼器各自的优点,提出了摩擦摆调谐质量阻尼器(FPS-TMD)被动控制系统,对其力学和动力特性,以及高层建筑顶部带FPS-TMD系统的风振控制理论,进行了相关研究。以结构控制第三代Benchmark模型为实例,研究顶部带FPS-TMD系统的高层建筑风振控制效果,同时结合该文开发的基于小型电振动台的实时混合实验测试平台,采用风振控制实时混合实验结果与理论模拟计算结果的对比,验证了该文提出的FPS-TMD被动控制系统,应用于高层建筑风振控制的有效性。


    Abstract: Due to their long natural vibration periods and small damping, tall buildings are very sensitive to wind loading because of their high flexibility. Wind load is the main controlled load for the structural design of super tall buildings in coastal areas. Under the action of strong wind or typhoon, tall buildings must be designed to not only meet the safety requirements of design codes, but also to be economical and efficient. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to conduct some studies on wind resistant optimization design and on wind-induced vibration control of tall buildings. After a brief literature review on the wind resistant optimization design and on wind-induced vibration control of tall buildings, the wind resistant optimization design procedure of tall buildings is first proposed by considering the joint probability distribution of wind speed and direction, reliability analysis and performance based method. The minimum structural weight or cost are selected as design objective, the constraints for inter-storey and top drifts, wind-induced acceleration response at top floor are included, and the member size of structural elements are optimized in the optimization procedure. Meanwhile, another intelligent optimization algorithm such as the genetic algorithm is improved to increase its convergence speed and to obtain the most possible optimal solution, and the improved penalty function and hierarchical genetic algorithm are proposed in the genetic algorithm for the wind resistant optimization design. As for the structural topology optimization methods, the concept of hierarchical optimization is introduced in the variable density based topology optimization procedure, and the improved dynamic evolution rate is proposed to Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) method for the topology optimization design of wind-resistant tall buildings. Then the effectiveness of the adopted wind resistant optimization algorithms are verified by several examples of wind resistant optimization design on practical tall buildings. In the aspect of wind-induced vibration control, a passive structural control system is proposed by combining the Friction Pendulum System and Tuned Mass Damper (FPS-TMD). The mechanical and dynamic characteristics of FPS-TMD system were studied, and the wind-induced vibration control theory of tall building with FPS-TMD system was also investigated. Taking the third-generation benchmark model for structural control study as an example, the wind-induced vibration control efficiency of such tall buildings with FPS-TMD system was first numerically evaluated under dynamic wind loading. Meanwhile the real-time hybrid test on the benchmark model was also conducted. The compared results from real-time hybrid tests with the numerical analysis method verify the wind-induced vibration control effectiveness of the proposed FPS-TMD structural control system.


