

  • 摘要: 大跨桥梁作为重要的基础工程设施,准确评估其即时服役状态、建立高保真数值模型是提升城市交通防灾水平的重要途径,实现上述目标依赖于高效可靠的复杂结构模型更新与分析技术。但已有研究多依赖商业软件平台,存在价格昂贵、算法更新速度较慢和软件接口复杂等局限性,限制了相关研究的深入发展。因此,该文基于开源有限元分析平台OpenSees和编程语言Python,开发了适用于复杂工程结构模型更新的开源程序框架。基于Python开发了工程结构模型更新所需的高效并行优化算法,进一步编写不同功能模块的软件接口,连接模型分析平台与并行优化算法,实现复杂工程结构模型的并行分析和模型更新。在此基础上,以一个简支梁损伤识别为例,验证了上述计算程序的有效性与计算精度。以苏通大桥振动台试验缩尺模型为研究对象,采用模态置信准则匹配有限元模型和振动台试验获得的模态振型和频率数据,构建模型更新所需的优化函数,采用高性能计算平台,开展试验桥梁的模型更新并验证上述程序框架的计算效率。结果表明,该框架可以实现大跨斜拉桥精细有限元模型的高效更新,匹配实测获得的结构模态数据,各阶计算频率与试验模型的误差在1%以下。进一步地,计算更新后的数值模型在PGA=0.1 g地震动作用下的动力时程响应,与试验数据对比验证了模型更新结果的准确性。研究成果可以为基于开源平台的复杂大跨桥梁的精细化与数据驱动建模提供参考。


    Abstract: Long-span bridges often serve as critical infrastructures. It is therefore important to accurately assess the immediate structural performance and build high-fidelity finite element (FE) models of these bridges to improve the disaster prevention capacity of urban transportation. Achieving the above goals relies on efficient and reliable model updating and analysis techniques suitable for complex structures. However, most of the previous studies were based on commercial software platforms, which were expensive, slowly updated and had complicated application programming interfaces, and thus limited the development of further in-depth research. Based on the open-source software OpenSees and Python, a program framework suitable for the model updating of complex structures was proposed. An efficient parallel optimization algorithm for FE model updating (FEMU) of complex civil structures was developed in Python. The program interfaces were developed to link the model analysis module and the parallel computing module to realize the parallel analysis and FEMU of complex structures. On this basis, the damage identification of a simply-supported beam was taken as an example to validate the feasibility and accuracy of the program framework. Further, the scaled physical model of Sutong cable-stayed bridge in a shake table test was selected as the object. The modal assurance criterion (MAC) was used to match the simulated modal shapes and frequencies with those identified from the shake table test to form the objective function for the FEMU. The FEMU of the bridge was carried out on a high-performance computing platform to validate the computational efficiency of the program framework. The results show that the framework can effectively tune the high-fidelity FE model of the long-span cable-stayed bridge to match up with the experimental measurement. The error between the simulated frequencies and the physical model was below 1%. Furthermore, the accuracy of the updated model was verified by comparing the measured responses with the predicted ones using the updated FE models under the seismic input with a PGA of 0.1 g. The research outcome can provide references for high-fidelity and data-driven modeling of complex long-span bridges based on open-source platforms.


