The progressive collapse resistance capability of a steel truss arch bridge system in service under hanger fracture provides an essential buffer mechanism for the structural response to against asymmetric extreme loads, and the rebalancing pattern during the systematic progressive collapse resistance will be altered due to material deterioration. The AP method, which based on equivalent unloading, simulates the transfer and superposition effects of stress waves during hanger fracture. One kind of means for evaluating the vulnerability of time-dependent progressive collapse of systems under hanger fracture is established. Based on MATLAB/OpenSEES, the time-dependent evolution parameter group management program of fiber elements is compiled, and the numerical simulation method for systematic time-dependent progressive collapse based on the fiber macro-element is established, and the accuracy of the numerical simulation is verified by the dynamic test results. The vulnerability to progressive collapse of steel truss arch bridges under hanger fracture is analyzed by the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method. The influence of material deterioration on the systematic progressive collapse resistance under hanger fracture on the fragility to progressive collapse resistance of steel truss arch bridges is investigated. The influence of material deterioration on systematic progressive collapse resistance under hanger fracture is studied. The analysis results show that hanger fracture leads to increases the response of main load-bearing components in the steel truss arch bridge, predominantly within the adjacent range of the hanger fracture. The material deterioration reduces the systematic progressive collapse resistance of the steel truss arch bridges. Additionally, the time-dependent progressive collapse model based on the IDA method can effectively evaluate the progressive collapse resistance of steel truss arch bridges during their service lives.