The anchorage performance of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer/Plastics) tendon in RPC (Reactive Powder Concrete) has been studied. The test results show that: 1) For the CFRP tendon with indented surface, used in RPC with compressive strength of 130 MPa, the grouted length of 20 times of its diameter is enough to resist a tensile strength of less than 3000 MPa. 2) The rod space should not be less than rod diameter if multiple CFRP tendons are applied in the anchorage system. 3) The equations developed to determine bond capacity and slip between CFRP tendon and RPC are feasible. Furthermore, an analytical model of bond stress-slip relationships for CFRP tendon has been proposed, and its effectiveness to describe the bond-slip behavior has been demonstrated. It is also found: 1) The bond stress at the point, 0.6 grouted length from the free end, is equal to the average bond stress. 2) If the grouted length is less than 12.5 times of its diameter,the bond stress varies along bond length rather uniformly, with the asymmetric coefficient lying between 1.02―1.05. 3) If the grouted length is more than 12.5 times of its diameters but not more than 20 times, the bond stress varies along bond length non-uniformly, with the asymmetric coefficient lying between 1.05―1.14.