Based on Green and Lindsay’s generalized thermoelasticity theory with two relaxation times, a two-dimensional coupled problem in electromagneto-thermoelasticity for a rotating half-space solid subjected to a heat on its surface is studied. There is an initial magnetic field parallel to the plane boundary of the half-space. The medium deforms because of the applied heat, and due to the application of the magnetic field. Thusly, both magnetic and electric fields are induced in the medium. Maxwell’s equations and the electromagneto- thermoelastic coupled governing equations are established. The normal mode analysis is used to obtain the exact expressions for the considered variables. The distributions of the considered variables are represented graphically. From the distributions, it can be found the wave type heat propagation and electromagneto-thermoelastic coupled effect in the medium, and it also can be found that the rotation significantly decreases the magnitude of the real part of displacement and stress and insignificantly affects the magnitude of temperature and induced magnetic field.