Using the cross-anisotropic elastic Finite Element Method, this paper systematically analyzes the influence of the parameter values of Eh (young’s modulus in the horizontal direction),
61550;hh (Poisson’s ratio for horizontal strain due to horizontal strain at right angles) and Ghv (shear modulus in the vertical plane) on the consolidation behaviors of subgrade under embankment loads. These behaviors include the settlement of embankment center, horizontal displacement in subgrade, pore pressure dissipation and average consolidation degree in subgrade. Results indicate that the variation of Eh has significant influence on the results of settlement, horizontal displacement, pore pressure dissipation and total average consolidation degree. The variation of
61550;hh has apparent influence on settlement, long term horizontal displacement and total average consolidation degree, but little influence on pore pressure. The variation of Ghv is of significant influence on settlement, horizontal displacement, but little influence on pore pressure and total average consolidation degree.