

  • 摘要: 销轴连接结构是工程中最为常用的一种传力结构,对其进行细致的接触应力分析,研究各参数对接触应力大小和分布的影响,对此类传力结构的设计与应用显得尤为重要。该文以佛山东平大桥为例,在验证有限元模型接触参数设置的基础上,计算东平大桥在竖转脱架状态下销轴连接结构的接触应力,计算结果与实测结果相比,基本反应了接触应力的大小和分布,证明了有限元模型的可靠性。在此基础上,研究了提升力大小、材料本构关系等参数对销轴连接结构接触应力大小和分布的影响,得到以下结果:材料本构关系和提升力大小的选取是影响销轴连接结构接触应力大小和分布的关键因素;接触区域的摩擦因数对计算结果几乎无影响。


    Abstract: Pinned connection is one of the most popular load transfer structures in structural engineering. Accurate analysis of the contact stress between components of the pin connection and study concerning the effect induced by various parameters on the magnitude and distribution of contact stress are very important to better design and application of pinned connections. The Dongping Bridge in Foshan was chosen as a case study, after validation of the contact parameters of finite element model, the contact stress in pinned connection of Dongping Bridge in support dismantling condition was computed. Through the stress values measured in the field, the computed results can correctly reflect the magnitude and distribution of contact stress in comparison, which proved the reliability of finite element model. Based on these results and comparison, some parameters such as lifting-force value, material constitutive relation, have been studied also by investigating their effects on the contact stress of pinned connections, the following conclusions can be drawn that: the constitutive relation of the structural materials and the lifting-force value are the key factors that influence the magnitude and distribution of contact stress in pinned connections; the friction coefficient of the contact region is negligible.


