
Simplified Method of Calculating Tall Building Shearwall Structure With Wide Space of Ground Floor

  • 摘要: 本文对于底层为框架,上部为双肢或多肢剪力墙的框支剪力墙结构以及框支剪力墙、落地剪力墙与壁式框架的联合体系受水平荷载作用时提供一个简捷的手算方法。此法将底层与上部结构比拟成两跨梁,导出了比拟梁的抗弯刚度和固端弯矩的计算公式,使这种复杂结构简化为具有一个弹性结点的刚架来计算。此法物理概念清楚、计算方便,极易为一般工程设计人员掌握和应用,特别适用于手算分析。


    Abstract: This paper presents a simplified method of analysing a structure of tall building with wide space of ground floor.This structure is generally formed as a type of shearwall supported by beamcolumn system,and a type of combined system of the above with shear wall(deepened to ground)and walled frames.When the structures are subjected to lateral loads,the structure of ground and upper storeys can be looked upon as a beam with two spans, and finally this complicated structure is simplified as a rigid frame with one elastic joint.The method gives a clear physical idea and convenience of calculation which can easily be accepted and used by most of designers, especially for those who calculate by hands.


