Analysis of thin shells by spline weighted residual methods
摘要: 本文用加权残数法分析薄壳,以五次样条函数构造试函数。我们用离散型最小二乘法分析了扁壳和变厚度圆柱壳的轴对称弯曲问题,对等厚度圆柱壳的轴对称弯曲问题分别采用了配点和配线法进行计算此较。各个问题都编制了程序,通过实例计算并与精确解比较,证明上述方法程序编制简单,输入数据少,耗用机时少,计算精度高,较为经济、实用。Abstract: In this paper several weighted residual methods are used to analyse the thin shells. we adopt the double cubic B—spline as the trial function. The method of the discrete least squares method is used to analyse shallow shell and cylindrical shell with variable thiekness. Both the collocation (point) method and the collocatin (line) method are used to analyse cylindrial shells. The program of weighted residual methods is simple. The amount of input data required is small. The computing time is short, and its expense small.