
The Calculation of Planar Curved Beam in Spatial Structure

  • 摘要: 本文基于柔度法考虑了空间结构中平面等截面曲梁的弯曲、剪切、拉压和扭转变形,通过严格的数学推导,给出了计算任意曲梁的一系列公式,并在SAP 81基础上编制了曲梁程序段,给出了几个定量的计算结果。与只考虑弯曲、扭转的理论解比较,符合得很好,本文的结果可以认为是精确解。用本文给出的曲梁单元计算的结果与用多个直梁单元组成折线来近似曲梁的计算结果比较表明曲梁比直梁近似要精确得多,直梁近似往往是不能接受的。按本文公式编制的曲梁单元程序的运行表明,计算一个曲梁单元和计算一个直梁单元所需的计算机时间几乎是一样的。


    Abstract: A set of formulas about the calculation of planar curved beam with uniform section in spatial structure, which is based on the flexibility method, is presented in this paper. The curved beam program segment was set in SAP81. Several quantitative results are worked out, which is coincide very well with the theoretical solution. The comparison of the results by using curved beam element of this paper and a broken line approximation of several straight beam elements shows that the curved beam element is much better than broken line approximation and the later is not acceptable. The implementation of the program segment shows that almost the same computer time was spent for a curved element and a straight one.


