
Simplified Mtehod of the Calculation and Analysis of Thermal Fields and Thermal Stresses on Cold Storages of Underground Rock Caverns

  • 摘要: 本文根据工程需要,对地下冷库的边界条件作了简化处理,得到温度场和温度应力的近似公式。现场实测围岩温度场曲线与算值十分符合,所算的围岩冻结影响半径与瑞典的结果一致。在不同降温时间和可变外边界情况下,计算了某工程实例支护结构和围岩的温度应力,发现支护与围岩之间出现“降温脱离”现象,其温度应力的大小和分布规律对设计有重要指导意义。


    Abstract: This paper is based on thermoelasticity and thermodynamics for simplificity in treatment of the boundary conditions on cold storages of underground rock cavens and obtain the approximate formulas of thermal fields and stresses. The results are very useful to designing and constructing for all of subway cold storages. The curves of themal fields by the measurement are rather tallied with theoretic results and the refrigeration radiuses of around rock are also fitted into Swedish information. In different times of drop-temperature and different changes of extenal boundary, the thermal fields and stresses are calculated and analysed by this method for some practical engineering. Thereby, we have discovered a new phenomenon of "Separation of Drop-Temperature" betwen the support structure concrete and around rock, and explained it directly. All the data of research take effects of an important guiding on the design and development of cold storage of underground rock and soil caverns.


