摘要: 材料在发生微米亚微米尺度不均匀变形时表现出尺度效应,微压痕问题是典型代表。目前的微压痕研究中普遍采用无摩擦假设,而相对缺少对摩擦因素的深入研究。基于CMSG低阶应变梯度塑性理论,通过有限元分析研究了摩擦因素对微压痕实验的影响。结果表明对于目前普遍采用的较钝的Berkovich压头(简化为圆锥后顶角为140.6),摩擦的影响并不重要,可以简化为无摩擦情况。Abstract: Microindentation is a classical experiment which shows a size-dependent material behavior under nonuniform deformation at micron and submicron scales. Many investigations on microindentation have been carried out under frictionless assumption while less discussion has been undertaken on the friction effect. Based on a conventional theory of mechanism based strain gradient plasticity (CMSG), a FEM analysis was developed to investigate the friction effect on micro-indentation. For the widely used Berkovich indenter, which can be simplified to a conical indenter with 140.6 cone angle, the result shows that the friction effect was negligible and the problem could be simplified to be frictionless.