
lateral Buckling ANALYSIS of thin-walled members BY FINITE MEMBER ELEMENT METHOD

  • 摘要: 根据位移变分原理,本文提出薄壁杆件稳定分析的有限杆元法。分析中考虑了杆壁中面剪应变的影响,能很好地描述剪力滞后现象。本方法采用线性函数作为横截面翘曲位移的插值函数,适用于任意横截面形状和任意边界条件的薄壁杆件。本文讨论了横向荷载作用下具有不同边界条件的工字型薄壁梁的屈曲荷载。数值算例结果表明了本方法灵活、有效、且有很好的精度。


    Abstract: Based on the principle of minimum potential energy, a general method, called finite member element method, is developed for buckling analysis of thin-walled members with shear lag in the present paper. A linear function is used to express the warping displacements along the cross section of the thin-walled member. The present method is applicable to thin-walled members of any cross section with any boundary conditions. In order to evaluate this method, the critical loads of I-beams subjected to various loading conditions and different boundary conditions are studied. Numerical examples show that the present method is efficient and versatile. It offers more reliable and accurate results as compared to the classical theory of thin-walled members.


