

  • 摘要: 通过对已有繁杂、冗长的明氏应力公式的整理与简化,给出了若干种工程荷载分布条件下的明氏应力分布实用理论解。经对附加应力系数公式的无因次化,推出了工程荷载条件下便于制作数据表格的应力系数计算公式,将该系数表达为长—宽比、计算点深度—基宽比、基础埋深—基宽(半径)比和泊松比的函数解析式。作者通过对明氏解计算结果的分析,深入细致地研究了布氏解取代明氏解的条件,明氏应力分布的拉应力区开展范围及其与工程的关系,明氏解中反映地基土质条件的泊松比对应力计算的影响,布氏解用于深基沉降计算导致理论计算值大于实际沉降观测值的原因等一系列问题。得到了一些有指导意义的概念和认识。对明氏解的推广应用具有重要的理论意义和长远的实用价值。


    Abstract: In this paper, the complicated lengthy Mindlin stress formulas are rearranged and simplified, new formulas of the Mindlin stress distributions under various load conditions are presented. By making the additional stress coefficients dimensionless, the stress coefficient formulas under some loading conditions are derived. These coefficients are expressed in terms of the ratio of foundation length to its width, the ratio of depth to foundation width, the ratio of foundation's embedded depth to its width (or radius), and the Poissons ratio. The prerequisite's when the Mindlin's formula can be replaced by the Boussinesq's formula, the scope of the tensile stress of the Mindlin solution and its effect on the foundation settlement, the effect of the Poissons ratio in the Mindlin's formula on the stresses, the discrepancy between the theoretical prediction of settlement results and on-site observation value are discussed in detail.


