摘要: 在目前的风振响应计算中,往往不考虑风与结构的耦合作用。但对于超高层建筑、高耸塔桅结构,由于基频较低,风与结构的耦合作用不可忽略。本文基于准定常假定推论出风与结构的耦合作用实质上就是气动阻尼效应,因此只要在阻尼常数中引入气动阻尼,就可建立考虑风与结构耦合作用的风振响应模态分析方法。文中采用拟单自由度法,确定了风与结构耦合作用所产生的气动阻尼。并对一工程实例进行了风振响应计算,比较了采用Davenport谱和Kaimal谱对计算结果的差异性,与风洞试验结果相对比表明,采用Kaimal谱并考虑风与结构的耦合作用所得计算结果能与风洞试验结果吻合较好。Abstract: It is evident that the interaction between wind and structure is of great importance for structures such as super tall buildings, towers and guyed masts that have a low fundamental natural frequency. However, little research has been carried out to consider the coupling effects. This paper presents a method for analyzing the wind-induced vibration which takes into account wind-structure coupling effects. The method is developed based on the quasi-stead theory by treating the wind-structure coupling effect as an aerodynamic damping. The buffeting responses of a tall transmission tower are analyzed in detail to demonstrate the method. Numerical results based on Kaimal spectrum and Davenport spectrum are presented. Wind tunnel tests were also carried out. It is shown that numerical predictions based on Kaimal spectrum are in good agreement with experimental observations. The study shows that the wind-structure interaction has a significant effect on the responses of the structure.