

  • 摘要: 本文针对工程上常见的各种塔式桁架系统组合结构的静力和动力分析,提出一种半连续半离散式基于非经典能变形理论的量法。文中,把整体桁架组合结构模拟成变截面的非经典梁,结构中任意结点的三向位移用其截面的四个广义位移(弯、剪、挤、拉)表示,由此导出每根杆件的两端位移,从而可仔细考虑每根杆件的应变、内力及相应的变形能、动能和外力功等。并由能量变分原理导出一组线性代数方程,方程阶次仅与所假定的四个广义位移试函数中待定系数的个数有关,与杆件数目,结点数目,层数等均无关,把大型塔架有限元分析的成百上千个自由度降为十几阶的数值计算问题,因此仅需求解阶次极低的代数方程组。同时,还可方便地考虑各种附加设施的影响。文中给出了实际电视塔结构和海洋平台导管架模型的静动力计算结果,并与其它方法计算结果和试验结果作了比较,表明本法是一种工程上较为通用有效的适于微机分析的简捷计算方法。本文方法也可称为非经典综合离散法,综合离散法


    Abstract: A new method------the non-classical energy method basedon semi-continuity and semi-discreteness idea-is proposed in this paper for the static and dynamic analysis of built-up space trussed tower structures that are applied in engineering very often, e. g. TV tower, transmission line tower, boring tower and sea platform tower.The global; tower structure is treated as a non-classiccal beam with variable cross-section in which the actions of tension, extrusion, shear and bending are considered. The displacements of any node of the structurecan be described by the four generalized displacements metioned above. Whereby, the strains and internal forces of each member and the corresponding potential energy, kinetic energy and external forces work can be considered in detail. A set of linear algebraic equations is obtained based on the variational principle of potential energy. The number of unknowns is only related to the undetermined coeffici ents in the trial functions of the four generalized displacements, irrelated to the number of truss members and nodes, the shape of cross-sections and the height of the tower. Usually, the number of unknowns is only about 10-30, much less than that referring by means of finite element method. In the meantime, the present method can cope with various trussed towers including the effects of additional installation conveniently.The numerical calculation results of TV tower and sea platform tower are given. They indicate that the present method can be run on a microcomputerand its computer program is very simple and can be applied widely.


