Dynamic Response of an Elastic Plate on A Viscoelastic Foundation Collided by A Moving Rigid Body
摘要: 本文针对工程实际中所遇到的撞击问题,在事先仅知撞击体初始速度的情况下.研究分析了半无限粘弹性Winkler地基上的矩形弹性薄板受刚体撞击的动力响应问题,推导出了关于撞击力F(t)的非线性Volterra积分方程,给出了薄板位移响应W(x,y,t)的一般表达式,并给出了求解计算的数值方法。作为应用实例,本文对弹性方薄板受刚球撞击问题进行了分析计算,并与无粘性支承时的结果进行了对比讨论.Abstract: In this paper,the dynamic response of a rectangular elastic plate on a half-space viscoelastic Winkler foundation collided by a moving rigid body is discussed. To analyze the impact problem, a non-linear Volterra integral equationwith impact force F(t) is derived, and a numerical computation method for the equation is used. A practical example is computed, and the results are comparedwith those on the non-viscoelastic foundation.