
Effect of Loading Condition to the Short Period Stiffness of Reinforced-Prestressed Concrete Beams

  • 摘要: 在现行钢筋混凝土结构设计规范(TJ10-74)和即将颁布实施的混凝土结构设计规范(GBJ10-89)中,钢筋混凝土与预应力混凝土受弯构件的短期刚度计算公式是根据纯弯曲段的分析模式得到的,公式中的经验系数是根据单一荷载条件下的试验确定的。本文在给出不同荷载条件下各类混凝土受弯构件短期刚度统一计算公式基础上,对受弯构件在不同荷载条件下短期刚度的变化规律进行了计算分析。


    Abstract: In the present "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete Structures (TJ10-74) and the revised edition (GBJ10-89) which is going to be issued in the near future, the formulae of calculating short period stiffness are in great approximation because of the analytic model and the empirical results under the single test loading condition. In this paper, based on the new unified formula of calculating the short period stiffness of reinforced-prestressed concrete beams under any kind of loading condition, the calculating analysis for the stiffness of flexural members under the several loading conditions have been processed.


