Incident turbulence intensity has significant effects on the wind-induced vibration of super tall buildings. This paper presents the results and discussions on the wind-tunnel experiment of the Jin Mao building (JMB) model in the properly simulated boundary flows using the approach of high-frequency-force base balance. High turbulence intensity, which exists in realistic wind environment, was considered in the experiment. The effects of surrounding buildings, wind directions and the upstream terrain conditions on the wind-induced response were analyzed in details. The results show that World Finance Center, which is to be built soon nearby, has a remarkable interference effect on the building, while the effect of other existing surrounding buildings is negligible. The increase of the peak acceleration on the building by the interference of World Finance Center is found to be 55% and 10% in exposure categories B and D, respectively. The acceleration responses of different design wind speeds based on a 10-year return period required by the design code and the meteorological record of wind climate in the history are also analyzed and discussed.