
Definiteness of Shape Function of Isoparametric Element for Many Nodes

  • 摘要: 本文对高阶单元形态函数的分析,是严格遵照形函的定义,引用复盖线和复盖面,其中包括圆弧和圆球复盖技巧。各种单元形态函数的确定,都有详细步骤,简便,直观,省时。较一般专著确定形函数的插值方法优越。


    Abstract: This paper is the analysis for the shape function of the higher order elements, according to the definition of the shape function strictly. In this article we quoted the cover lines and the cover areas, including also the circular are and the circular ball. It tells detail steps for the shape function of the different elements, which are simple and can save times, it is better than some function articles about the shape defined by the interpolation.


