
Analysis of Bucking and Free Vibration Problems of thin Plates And Stability Problems of Some Thin Shells by Using Spline Function collocation Method

  • 摘要: 本文采用单五次B一样条函数配点分析了薄板的压曲以及自由振动,用九次样条函数配点分析了几种薄壳的稳定问题。计算了不同的例题并与解析解进行比较,证明样条函数配点法是分析板、壳稳定问题的简便、有较的方法。


    Abstract: In this paper bucking and free vibration problems of thin plates are ana- lysed by using single B—Spline function of degree five collocation method. And stability problems of some thin shells are analysed by using spline function of degree nine. Several examples are presented and their results are compared with the analystic ones. It is proved that spline function collocation is an problems of plates and shells.


