Fouries Series Solution For Bending of a Circular Thin plate with Free Edges on Elastic Foundation Loaded by an Eccentric Concentrated Force
摘要: 本文应用Fourier-Bessel级数加附加项的方法,直接从经典薄板理论的定解向题出发,对Winkler地基上自由边园板受偏心集中力作用的弯曲问题作了解析分析,并给出了算例。Abstract: In this paper, the bending problem of a circular plate with free edges on Winkler foundation loaded by an eccentric concentrated force is solved by using the Fourier—Bessel series with additional terms. The solution is derived directly from the foundamented differential eguation of classical thin plate theory and corre tponding boundary conditions. The expression of deflection it obtained in an analytical form, Numerical results are also given in this Paper.