Pasternak 地基中土工格室加筋体的受力变形分析
摘要: 为了研究路面荷载作用下土工格室加筋体的受力与变形机理,正确反映土工格室加筋体与地基之间的荷载传递模式,建立了考虑路基填料和地基土体剪切作用的土工格室加筋体简化分析模型。路基填料和地基土层采用双参数的Pasternak模型,克服了传统Winkler 地基模型无法考虑路基填料和地基中应力扩散的缺点。土工格室加筋体简化为埋置于地基中的有限长梁,以考虑其抗弯刚度的影响。基于特征值分解法求解土工格室加筋体变形微分控制方程,得到了准解析的解,并可直接得到路面荷载作用下土工格室加筋体的弯矩和剪力分布。该文模型在土层剪切刚度趋于足够小时,可退化到采用Winkler 地基时的土工加筋体分析模型。计算发现考虑土体的剪切特性对准确分析土工格室加筋体的受力和变形十分重要;同时发现当下卧地基较软弱时,土工格室加筋体的加固作用更加明显。Abstract: A simplified analysis model of geocell reinfocement incooperating subbase and subgrade’s shear effects is proposed to investigate the deformation behaviour of geocell reinforcement subject to pavement surface loads and to reveal the load transmission procedure from geocell reinforcement to subgrade. The Pasternak model, instead of the conventional Winkler model, is applied to describe the behavior of subbase layer and subgrade soil to account for stress spreading in these two layers. Geocell reinforcement is simplified as a finite-length beam embedded in ground to consider its bending stiffness. The differential equations governing pavement and geocell reinforcement’s deformations are solved using eigen decomposition technique, and a semi-analytical solution is obtained for geocell reforcement’s bending moment and shear force. The proposed model converges to the geocell reinforced pavement model with Winkler spring support when soil’s shear stiffness is reduced to sufficiently small. Compuation results show that soil’s shear stiffness is essential for accurately evaluating geocell reinforcement’s deformation. In addition, it’s found that geocell reinforcement has better performance when subgrade soil is weak.