Dynamic compressive tests on cubic specimens were carried out on a servo-hydraulic multiaxial testing machine designed and manufactured at Dalian University of Technology, China. The lateral confining pressure was kept at constant values of 0MPa, 4MPa, 8MPa, 12MPa, 16MPa, respectively and the strain rates were 10-5/s, 10-4/s and 10-3/s, respectively. The effect of strain rate and confining pressure on the strength and deformation of concrete were investigated systematically. From the test results it was revealed that the ultimate strength increased significantly as the confining pressure increased, and the increase in strain at peak stress was even more pronounced. At lower confining pressure, the ultimate strength increased definitely with the increasing strain rate, but the strength increment tended to become smaller at higher confinement; particularly when the confining pressures was higher than the quasi-static uniaxial compressive strength, the rate-dependent effect tended to diminish. The complete stress-strain curves at different strain rates were obtained.