Twenty-two specimens were tested under static load in order to investigate the shear resistance performance of composite T-section concrete-filled steel tubular members, the calculation formula was proposed as well. The parameters of the specimen include shear-span ratio, axial-load ratio and confinement index. Test results demonstrate good deformation capacity of the specimens, and the failure modes are mainly shear failure (shear-span ratio λ = 0.2, λ = 0.25), bending-shear failure (λ = 0.5, λ = 0.75) and bending failure (λ = 1.25), which are not influenced by the axial compressive forces. The shear strength of the specimen increases with the increase of axial-load ratio or confinement index, and decreases as the shear-span ratio increases. The formula of the shear strength of composite T-section concrete-filled steel tubular members is developed and can be applied to real engineering projects.