

  • 摘要: 对JGJ99-98中竖缝剪力墙的两种等效模型进行考察,指出了考虑钢框架梁剪切变形的必要性。由于两种模型均不能正确地给出钢框架梁的剪力,也不能反映钢框架梁弯曲变形对整体刚度的影响。因此提出壁式框架计算模型,对各部分的刚度给出了计算建议,对模拟竖缝剪力墙肢的壁柱,通过对轴压刚度取小值实现竖缝剪力墙不承担竖向荷载的设计原则。对壁式框架模型和两种等效模型进行比较得出:在层数少,剪切变形占主导地位时,壁式框架模型的刚度略小,层数增加,三种模型结果相似。但壁式框架模型能够提供钢框架梁内的真实剪力,并反映钢框架梁变形对抗侧刚度的影响,最后提出在框架柱与竖缝剪力墙之间加设抗剪键以改善钢梁工作性能。


    Abstract: Analysis models of slit wall suggested by JGJ99-98 are discussed. The necessity of considering shear deformation of web of steel beams is pointed out in determining the section of equivalent cross bracing or shear plate. It is also found the models suggested by JGJ99-98 can neither predict the actual shear forces in steel beams, nor account for bending deformation. Therefore, a wall-column model is suggested, and the rigidity of each part in this model is proposed. A very low axial rigidity is assigned to the wall-column modeling slit walls to implement the design philosophy of carrying no vertical loads by slit walls. Comparisons between three models are carried out and it is found that, when the number of stories was small, the wall-column models yield the lowest lateral stiffness. As the height of the structures increases, three models yield nearly the same lateral stiffness. But the wall-column model can correctly predict the internal forces of each member in the model, thus indicating an improvement over the cross bracing or shear plate models. At last, the shear key was proposed to be added between the column and silt walls so as to improve the behaviour of girders.


