The analytical solution of the elastic governing equation is introduced into the analytical trial function element to construct the element displacement field, which leads to the correlation between the displacement field and the elastic parameters and limits its application in elastic-plastic analysis. A strategy suitable for elastic-plastic analysis is thusly proposed to make the elastic parameters used to construct analytic trial function element keep constant. The results of elastic-plastic analysis based on soil column bending show that: elastic modulus used to construct the analytical trial function element has no effect on the results; the value of Poisson's ratio has a great influence on the results, and when it's consistent with the elastic Poisson's ratio of the material, the accuracy is higher and the computed error is smaller than that of the iso-parametric element, of scaled boundary finite element and of incompatible element. The nonlinear method of the analytical trial function element is applied to the numerical simulation of the earthquake damage to Daikai subway. The results indicate that: the simulation results of the analytical trial function element are closer to the actual earthquake in the case of less degrees of freedom, and the strategy proposed has good application prospects.