Graphical Abstract
The manufacturing process of glulam determines that its material properties are closely related to the laminated wood. Based on wood material test, the Mongolian pine was used as the research object. This paper established a material constitutive model for numerical analysis of wood, which is convenient for engineering applications. In elastic phase, the stress-strain relationship of wood was modeled as orthotropic and transversely isotropic. Yamada-Sun criterion and modified Hashin criteria were used for judging the yield of wood. The flow rule describing plastic development of wood was derived according to regularization hypothesis and consistency condition. The stress point was constrained on the yield surface by using the return mapping algorithm. The continuous damage factor was introduced to reduce the stress to simulate the brittle failure of wood under tension and shear. Strain hardening under compression after the yield of wood was modeled by controlling the transition of yield surface based on Ziegler kinematic hardening model. A user-defined subroutine including the material constitutive model of wood was implemented into ABAQUS. Experimental study and refined finite element analysis on the performance of beam-column glulam joints were carried out. The FEM analysis is in good agreement with the experimental results. Analysis results show that the finite element models of material test on small clear specimens of wood and rotation test on beam-column glulam joint can effectively describe the hardening under compression and damage evolution under tension and shear of wood, as well as the nonlinear behavior of joint, which verifies the constitutive model of wood proposed in this paper.