Graphical Abstract
Suspen-dome includes single-layer dome and the bottom tensegrity system. To guide practical construction of suspen-dome reliably and to ensure construction trouble-free operation, an iterative method to calculate initial strains of the bottom tensegrity system under zero state was presented on the base of the relationship between initial strains under zero state and induced inner forces. The corresponding iterative formulas and computation sequence were also given. When the required initial strains of the bottom tensegrity system under zero state were obtained according to the construction sequence, the element length without stress under initial state and zero state is fixed. The construction simulation method based on the invariance of initial strains under zero state was presented. A 122m span suspendome’s construction process was simulated according to the construction simulation method after its practical construction process was given. Results show that the iterative formula is accurate and reliable. Presuppositions and computation sequence of the construction simulation method accord with practical construction process. The construction simulation method can be utilized during structure construction simulation.