The Dynamic Response of Hypar Shells and its Programming on Microcomputer
Graphical Abstract
This paper presents the analyse of the dynamic response of hypar shells by the method proposed by Prof. Xu Cida and the programming on Microcomputer VICTOR 9000 C. By the use of the Largrange equation the author has derived the differential equation of motion specially for the hypar shell Assuming the displac ement function of the shell as a B spline function of the third order and substituting into the equation of motion of the hypar shell, an integral scheme for the dynamic loading of the shell is gotten by which the mode displacements, velocities and accelerations of the hypar shell may be calculated. The author has worked out the program on microcomputer VICTOR 9000 C. It needs only 4 original data for input and the displacements, velocities and accelerations of the hypar shell may be known in several seconds. The papar lists results of calculation of the hypar shell under four kinds of dynamic loadings. when the dynamic load remains to a constant va lue, then results of calculation coincde with the static solution.